Highest quality and cleanliness, slip sheet of Kookil Paper (Zhangjiagang) Limited Corporation

Base paper for memo is used for manufacturing of Post-it or memo pad,
and is characterized by a diverse range of colors and outstanding texture appropriate for writing.
Base papers for memo of Kookil Paper (Zhangjiagang) Limited Corporation are manufactured in more than 20 colors including light, dark and fluorescent colors.
In addition, it is appropriate for post-processing manufacturing due to its clean and uniform colors,
and excellent manifestation of color senses, as well as outstanding water-resistance and strength quality.
Kookil Paper (Zhangjiagang) Limited Corporation is planning to develop a diverse range of products that satisfy
the requirements of our clients including environment-friendly base paper for memo, etc. in the future.

  • Reasonable
  • Reliable
    High Strength
  • Natural
  • Selectable

Special Theme

SS slip

SS slip sheet uses only 100% natural pulp and is characterized by outstanding cleanliness through the application of know-how in management of foreign matters and water used in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it features outstanding workability during processing due to its high tensile, tearing and bursting strengths, guarantees high level of recycling rate and safety protects the surface of steel plates due to its high surface smoothness and absence of flaws.

제품 정보 리스트
Grammage 28 ~ 35g/m²
Colors Yellow
Purpose Paper used for protection of surface at the time of transportation and piling up of PS board
Product value & special characteristics
  • Highly outstanding cleanliness
  • High strength and excellent workability
  • Optimized for the secondary process.
  • preserving the light sensitizing emulsion function

Special Theme

Craft slip sheet

Craft slip sheet is equipped not only excellent strength but also outstanding oil absorption capabilities, thereby achieving excellence in the removal of oil from the surface of steel plates. Through the use of 100% natural pulp, clean and smooth surface as well as even thickness of sheet is achieved with ensuring outstanding workability during processing.

제품 정보 리스트
Grammage 35 ~ 50g/m²
Colors Yellow
Purpose Paper used for the protection of surface and absorption of oil of hot rolled steel plates.
Product value & special characteristics
  • Highly outstanding cleanliness
  • High strength and excellent workability.
  • High level of recycling rate
  • Outstanding oil absorption capabilities

Special Theme

PS plate
slip sheet

PS plate slip sheet of Kookil Paper (Zhangjiagang) Limited Corporation preserves the light sensitizing emulsion function of PS plate (aluminum plate with thickness of 0.3~0.5mm used in lithography) due to its clean, smooth and flawless surface characteristics. In addition, it is the product optimized for the application due to its high strength and outstanding permeability.

제품 정보 리스트
Grammage 42g/m²
Colors Yellow
Purpose Paper used for protection of surface at the time of transportation and piling up of PS board
Product value & special characteristics
  • Highly outstanding cleanliness
  • High strength and excellent workability
  • Optimized for the secondary process.
  • preserving the light sensitizing emulsion function

Special Theme

LCD slip

LCD slip sheet of Kookil Paper (Zhangjiagang) Limited Corporation protects the product surface including prevention of generation of static electricity by being inserted between glass products along with highly outstanding cleanliness of the slip sheet itself.

제품 정보 리스트
Grammage 50g/m²
Colors Yellow
Purpose Paper used in protection of the surface at the time of transportation and piling up of LCD glasses
Product value & special characteristics
  • Highly outstanding cleanliness
  • Prevent occurrence of static
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